Recently I came across this article http://www.bombaybar.com/in_joco_veritas/faucets_of_media_lore.php#more (really hilarious) and then when i got back home later in the evening (yes that means I blog and surf from work :P) I saw some channel having a major heated discussion about something so insignificant that I don't even remember what it was. Got me thinking.. There are many really stupid things that the media reports and blows out of proportion so much that I think it actually affects the intellect of people. The things which should be reported are never given much importance. Things like Renuka Chowdary or somebody else mailing pink chaddis to Mutalik got such prime time importance, it actually makes me wonder- are we force fed all this by the media or is the media dishing it out only cuz we're waiting to buy it. Either ways something is wrong. There are discussions about valentine day cards and MMS clips and the fact that SRK was not invited to Abhishek's wedding. When are we going to grow up?
Also another point I want to make here. Somedays back I read an article about how some start up was providing cold storage during transportation of vegetables and thus helping farmers gain more out of their crop. Quite frankly that inspired me. I wanted to do something innovative and help my country after reading that. We need stuff like that which make people proud to be Indian, which inspires them to do something new, something innovative, something for the country even if it just makes somebody just help an old man cross the road.. it is worth it. Day in and day out reading things like there was a robbery or some flyover is delayed- I agree we need to know all that- but on the main page we need stuff which inspires us, not saps us of our energy to go do something spectacular..Reading such negative things actually starts affecting the psyche of the people. Soon they just go "The construction is delayed by 6months..whts new" or "road jams..just have to get used to it".
I strongly feel the media needs to be regulated and instead of just hyping unnecessary things which dont really help anybody, it should work with the intent of changing our country, inspiring us to do better, enducing patriotism among us, make us just wake us everyday- read the newspaper or watch the news- fill us with pride and just make us go out there and do our best because our country deserves the best from us.